giovedì 15 gennaio 2015

Bye bye [Where There’s a Beginning, There’s an End]

After 'ages' I decide to face the writing of my last post under the name of my textile project Fedulab. I enjoyed so much creating things and making new friendship. However, as any other projects, the end is a fundamental part of it. I am not saying that I will never again create anything but it is honest to face the truth and say stop, or maybe even better a big THANK YOU for having supported this small, very small brand.

I started sewing when I was 22 as a precious gift that my holy grandma taught me, now I am 28 with new dreams and places to explore. I am working as Librarian and studying for an MA in Library and Information Science.
Meanwhile I moved from Italy to UK and I had the time to wed my beloved boyfriend.
You can find my new adventure at

I really wish you all the best :)

10 commenti:

  1. Allora un grande in bocca al lupo per tutti questi nuovi progetti e per quel che verrà! ^_^

  2. In bocca al lupo Fede!!! I tuoi totoro, il gelato, i due sushi e la borsa Paris mi fanno sempre venire in mente te e la brava ragazza che sei :*
    Baci baci!

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