A Venezia c'è la Biennale del vetro, dell'arte contemporanea, del teatro e dell'architettura.
Per visitare la Biennale dell'arte tessile contemporanea, invece, si deve volare fino al Museo Rijswijk, nell'omonima città belga, dove fino all'11 Settembre sarà ospitata la Textile Biennial 2011.
La Biennale è al suo secondo anno di vita e sono certa che negli anni futuri si arricchirà di nuove e importanti presenze.
Vorreste partecipare? In fondo al post troverete le indicazioni per candidarvi all'edizione 2013!

Dorothee van Biesen, Cross-stich&violence 1, 2008, mixed textile media.

Barbara Polderman, Family, 2009, mixed textile media, 200 x 93 x 245 cm.

Erin Endicott, Sutra 14, hand embroidery on vintage cotton.
Museum Rijswijk will be mounting the second Rijswijk Textile Biennial from 7 June until 11 September 2011.
Nothing is quite what it seems. An exquisitely woven wall hanging with holes burned in it? Knuckle-dusters and skeletons made of satin? Images embroidered on porcelain? This is just a small selection of the work by twenty artists who use textiles as a means of communication. Who says knitting, embroidery and crocheting are traditional and passé? The artists toy with this stuffy image in order to set the viewer on the wrong track.
Their work closely follows current developments in the arts, making critical but also humorous statements about politics, identity, origin and sexuality.
Photo Courtesy of the Museum Rijswijk, Netherlands.
Call to artists for Rijswijk Textile Biennial 2013:The next Rijswijk Textile Biennial will be organized in the summer of 2013. If you would like to participate, please send us a cd-rom with pictures of your recent artworks and a curriculum vitae in English before August 30, 2012. Please send it to:Museum RijswijkRijswijk Textile Biennial 2013Herenstraat 672282 BR RijswijkNetherlands
Non avevo mai sentito parlare della biennale del tessile! Grazie dell'informazione!
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